Thursday, July 20, 2006

Verse Twenty-three

Speak little. Hold to your own nature. A strong wind does not blow all morning. A cloudburst does not last all day. The wind and rain are from Heaven and Earth and even those do not last long. How much less so the efforts of man?

- Patience brings reward
- There is no permanence for individuals
- An individual shouldn't expect anything to last forever

Application: I don't expect anything to last forever, but there are a few things I hope will last for the rest of my lifetime like my marriage and my health. I know friends and family will pass away. And I am very aware that my lifestyle will not last forever.

One who lives in accordance with the Truth becomes the embodiment of Tao. His actions become those of Nature, his ways those of Heaven. It is through such a one that Heaven rejoices, that Earth rejoices, that all of life rejoices.

- When one accepts unity one becomes a part of it
- When one accepts the present moment than all becomes harmonious
- All individual effort gives way to the Tao

Application: I must accept the way of things. I shouldn't let the shortcomings of others, my community, and my country get to me. That is how things are. I should do what I can do, but no more. Nature has a way of letting things work out in the end. So when I hear some bad news, I should only act in a way that I can. I should not grumble and complain.

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