Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Robot's Exhibition, part 6

In order to proceed as directed by personal respect, the assassination will have to be canceled. Human life has just surpassed the domination of souls as moral order. Long live the pope until further notice.

This is when the robot enters with its plans of an exposition magnetically pressed into laser-accessible circuits. Wires and cords are crisscrossing the plaza of the palace as the robot's arrangement. A sphere of electricity is planned to balloon from the fountain like a soap bubble from a plastic ring. Lords, ladies, dukes, and duchesses from around the planet have been invited to witness the robot's exposition.

A stainless steel framework containing plasma injectors and concentrated tritanium ore will create a structured order of synthetic sound to provide the plaza with magnetic resonance. In the amalgamation of every dimension of time will the images of the robot's exposition be projected.

This creation will be drawing condensed infrared rays from the sun as a source of energy. During the process of this exposition the infrared rays will be reversed and returned to the sun in the form of ultraviolet waves. The consolidated ultraviolet effect will be a reverse of the color spectrum cast from the largest source of light. Green grass will become red and the blue sky orange. Blonde hair turning magenta and everybody's eyes will glow a purplish hue as if in a black light.

Since this mighty fair releases intense heat, industrial size fans will blow across the plaza. The power of these fans is so strong that it could move a heavy-set man off his feet. Aerodynamic bodysuits have been constructed by the robot for the invited gentry. In all this splendor, these people will have the ability to fly.

The exposition would be impossible without the robot and the robot would be impossible without Dr. Harvey Ewald, scholar. Born during the Stuben Comet crash into the moon during a solar eclipse, Ewald was born to break barriers. After inventing the frictionless engine and the first fuel which emits ozone-binding molecules as exhaust, therefore repairing the atmosphere, Dr. Ewald invented the robot who's sole purpose is to put progressive scientific ideas into realities that benefit the humans' need for entertainment.

Today Ewald relaxes in his bungalow in the Bikini Atoll that he raised from the ocean and radioactivity-proofed it with his device, which uses that radioactive energy to clean itself off all matter, and into the device. Inside the device, the radioactive molecules are broken down to power the Bikini Atoll's resort: Ewald's Escape from Entropy.

All the money Ewald makes from his totally beneficial inventions is put forth to entertain the population of the planet. All his endorsed amusements are pumped full of subliminal messages to reduce crime and to stop all habits that destroy one's health. None of these companies refuse Ewald because he has rescued the world from the rot of human entropy, and he is by far the richest man on Earth. No money goes to him only because, "He shares as much as everyone else in the world."

Such a man cannot be stopped unless it is the Double-Pope who stops him. The Double-Pope has spiritual influence over all man-made devices. All thinking power coming out of the human force is supplied by the Double-Pope's agent. Therefore he can inspire the machines, computers, and robots to turn against the inventors since the initial energy source of thoughts are spawned from the beast himself.

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