Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Verse Twenty-six

The inner is foundation of the outer. The still is the master of the restless.

- One's definition is found within
- Image only appeals to other individuals but it does not define the self
- One at peace can master anything because he has no worries to distract him
- The restless mind seeks solace in the still and peaceful sage

Application: I definitely believe this and have believed this since I can remember. I, like most others, have put more faith in those who were still and calm than those who were busybodies. This is something I already knew.

The Sage travels all day yet he never leaves his inner treasure. Though the views are captivating and beg attention, he remains calm and uninvolved. Tell me, does the land of a great empire go out begging for rice?

- Everyone carries unity within and should not worry about external matters
- When the outside world seems exciting one should not get caught up in it, that is the way of things
- When one has unity than all individuals should not cause him worry

Application: This part of verse 26 refers to the now common idea of "finding one's center." When I was in Japan, I felt that I accomplished what is in this verse. I remained calm and uninvolved in the captivating views of Japan. Just because I am somewhere new and exciting, that doesn't mean I have to do something. The world is not an amusement park that requires payment for a short ride. If I am "centered," I can enjoy the world through observation.

One who seeks his treasure in the outer world is cut off from his own roots. Without roots, he becomes restless. Being restless, his mind is weak. And with a mind such as this, he loses all command below Heaven.

- When looking outward rather than inward, he loses all command below Heaven
- When one loses touch with himself, he has nothing to fall back on and that wears him down
- Eventually the total loss of control brings him back without his effort

Application: While I was transcribing this part of verse 26, I going through this process. I was seeking my treasure in the outer world, so I became cut off from my own roots, becoming restless with a weak mind. I felt out of control of my destiny. It took a long time for me to recover from this uprooted feeling, and as I was healing the treasure was revealed to me. Because I witnessed it working, my faith in my beliefs was strengthened.

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