Sunday, July 02, 2006

Fusion (take one)

Endlessly creating
Is poetry necessary?
Endlessly pulsating
With comfortable perfection; hygienic future

Whatever we see or don’t see
They contemplate the annihilation (always imminent) of art.
Whatever exists or doesn’t exist
At this point they desire more artistic art.

Tao is limitless, unborn, eternal—
Hygiene becomes purity o God o God
She is the very face of the Absolute
The gate to the source of all things eternal
Listen to Her voice
Hear it echo through creation
Must we cease to believe in words?
Since when have they expressed the opposite of what the organ emitting them thinks and wants?

Without fail, She reveals her presence
Without fail, She brings us to our own perfection
Here is the greatest secret:
The thought is made in the mouth.
I still consider myself very charming.

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