Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Verse Thirty-one

Even the finest warrior is defeated when he goes against natural law. By his own hand he is doomed and all creatures are likely to despise him.

- Going against nature causes great antagonism
- Fighting nature brings self-defeat

Application: I never consciously put myself against nature, and I hope I never do.

One who knows Tao never turns from life's calling. When at home he honors the side of rest. When at war he honors the side of action. Peace and tranquility are what he holds most dear so he does not obtain weapons. But when their use is unaviodable he employs them with fortitude and zeal.

- Only when needed does one need to be put to work
- One should remain still until called to a task
- When put to work, full concentration can be put into it

Application: This has been a little difficult for me because it's hard to remain still for such a prolonged period of time. I must try to keep my mind still. There's no problem keeping my body still. If there's nothing to worry about, I shouldn't worry.

Do not flaunt your excellence. Do not rejoice over victory. With the loss of others weep with sorrow and grief. After winning a battle do not celebrate, observe the rites of a funeral.

- There is no victory without loss
- A celebration insults others and encourages ill feelings
- Excellence is a result and not an end of focus and skill

Application: I try not to gloat unless it is harmless. Most gloating or celebration of victory looks foolish as time goes by. Celebrating in spite of others is worse than losing because it encourages ill feelings. I haven't done this seriously since I was a child. And it is a childish act.

One who is bound to action, proud of victory, and delights in the misfortune of others will never gain a thing from this world below Heaven.

- A boastful braggart will gain no more than what he had
- When one sticks to the task at hand without expectations, then living brings reward

Application: This part of verse 31 sound like the aspirations of a politician. This is why I have no desire to enter politics--its seems like evil versus evil. No matter who wins we all lose. True democracy is the solution to this. Where is it?

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