Friday, August 25, 2006

Verse Forty

The movement of Tao is to return. The way of Tao is to yield.

- The process of unity is cyclical.
- Even though the cycle is passive, it never stops.

Application: I believe in the cyclical process of nature. I don't believe in the linear concept of life from birth to death. I have seen cycles in everything from good times to hard times. Life is not over when we die, is what I'm getting at. But "heaven" isn't permanent either. There is no permanence except Tao or unity or God or the universe or whatever you'd like to call It.

Heaven, Earth, and all things are born of the existent world. The existent world is born of the nothingness of Tao.

- Individuals are born into the known world
- The known world comes from the unknown and hidden unity

Application: I am beginning to believe that the "stuff" of God is in the emptiness and hidden. God is in silence, the space between objects, the love between relationships, the emptiness of outer space, etc. All that "stuff" is permanent as opposed to the noise, the objects, the relationships, and the physical contents of the universe. This is becoming my worldview.

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