Friday, June 23, 2006

Verse Nine

Grabbing and stuffing--there is no end to it.

- Consuming is a fact of life.
- One cannot stop the consuming of individuals.
- There is no permanent satisfaction.

Application: As a human being, I have to eat and drink. I believe this line criticizes the abuse of these primal needs. Taoism appeals to me because it does not list forbidden food such as pork, beef, or meat in general. Instead it stresses moderation. No matter how tempting food is, as it is in the United States, don't pig out. This verse can also be applied to shopping as it has become an epidemic in modern civilization. People are grabbing and stuffing all the time and they get so caught up in it that they forget why they are buying all that junk. Practicing moderation helps people remain aware of what and why they are grabbing and stuffing. Compared to the average American, I believe I do quite well here. But I will still gorge on my favorite foods and I endlessly grab music.

Sharpen a blade too much and its edge will soon be lost. Fill a house with gold and jade and no one can protect it. Puff yourself with honor and pride and no one can save you from a fall.

- Too much action causes its reverse effect.
- The excess of the yang energy is harmful.
- What goes up must come down.

Application: These lines describe the problems of excess. I see this as a direct criticism toward super-capitalism. The first sentence can be applied to military practices. The second sentence can be applied to the hoarding of luxurious things. The third sentence can be applied to vanity. As an American, I feel that this is a warning for my society. And because I just watched Superman, I can foresee our society ignoring its signs of weakness because it is lost in the glow of its own vanity. The rest of the world, even ourselves, like to see the mighty fall. We just don't want to see ourselves fall. Hopefully we can be rescued by acquiring humility and moderation. How? This blog is my own personal attempt, and I hope others try similar methods. Christianity preaches both humility and moderation, so one does not have to abandon his or her faith.

Complete the task at hand. Be selfless in your actions--This is the way of Heaven. This is the way to Heaven.

- Selflessness is in the yin energy.
- Doing things for all comes back to you.
- Being selfless is reducing one's individuality.

Application: I like verse 9 of the Tao Te Ching because it provides a simple observation followed by closer observation and ends with a solution to the observed problems. Vanity is self-absorption, loving oneself at the expense of others. This quickly erodes relationships. I can see this taken to the national level. This is the ultimate expression of the yang energy--the male, individualistic, aggressive side--and will create an imbalance in oneself or in the world. Nature has a tendency to return things to balance, and we can help nature by using more yin energy--the female, holistic, passive side. If I realize that I am a part of this universe, then anything helpful I do for others is obviously helpful for me. Selflessly helping is the remedy, but most individuals have a knee-jerk reaction because of fear (of someone taking advantage) and desire (to get something in return). At this point, I can see how fear and desire are the driving forces behind the yang energy. I myself have these problems, and it is very difficult to overcome. I think meditation helps in the breakthrough because constantly living in a materialistic yang-driven world does not help.

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