Thursday, June 22, 2006

Verse Eight

The best way to live is to be like water. For water benefits all things and goes against none of them. It provides for all people and even cleanses those places a man is loath to go. In this way it is good just like Tao.

- Water is the passive connector of an individual
- Water has an observable cycle
- Water is an essential element of life--one cannot live without it.
- Water can be seen as a unified whole and as individual drops, shaped by its container
- The body is a container for water, but we often value the container more

Application: Before reading the Tao Te Ching, I already placed a high personal value on water. After reading, I value it even more. It provides a great analogy to life. Perhaps water is life, since nothing on Earth can live without it. As for the metaphor, I try my best to live like water but the passivity is difficult.

Live in accordance with the nature of things: Build your house on solid ground. Keep your mind still. When giving, be kind. When speaking, be truthful. When ruling, be just. When working, be one-pointed. When acting, remember--timing is everything.

- Confucius restated

Application: This seems to be an easy checklist. #1) I would never consider building a home on unstable ground. Does this include living in an earthquake zone? #2) How long should I keep my mind still? Should I keep it still as long as nothing is asked of me? If so, I have failed. I've been busy keeping it occupied. #3) I'm usually kind when I give unless I know I'm giving it to a thankless person, so I guess I need more discipline there. I should not be giving for reward. #4) Except when joking around, I am as honest as possible. But one who brags about his honesty cannot be trusted. #5) I couldn't think of another way to rule than justly. #6) Even though it is a valuable skill these days, multi-tasking kills brain cells. #7) I don't know about acting but I can deliver a good joke if I wanted to.

One who lives in accordance with nature does not go against the way of things. He moves in harmony with the present moment always knowing the truth of just what to do.

- Persistence is futile, destiny overrides individual plans
- Accepting the present resolves all worry
- Quietude delivers action
- One can feel the passing of energy towards, away, and through oneself
- Worry, anxiety, and force only prevent or elongate what is coming

Application: Earlier in my life, I have seen this occur so often. When I leave the path of the future to God, everything worked out. Only when I feel that I have to control my future path do things turn out wrong. My job is to focus only on the present. The past is over and the future does not exist as far as I'm concerned. The feeling of anxiety is the feeling of interfering with the way of things. God/unity/nature does not like to be interfered with by an individual, so the path changes direction. That feeling of worry is a warning sign that I should not do anything except be calm and live in the present moment.

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