Monday, June 12, 2006

Transcribing Over

I haven’t been posting too much on this blog because I’ve been transcribing the Tao Te Ching since March. I have finally completed it today, so I will be able to post on this blog more regularly. I thought I would be able to both transcribe and personalize the transcription on this blog at the same time, but that ended up becoming too time-consuming—up to three hours a day!

Now I can replace the transcription time with blogging time. I will also try to interweave some dada-type writings to cut through the seriousness, as my life philosophy is to balance life as spiritually serious and humorously meaningless.

Also, the goal of this blog has been compromised because I have recently read a book called Counter Culture Through the Ages which addressed similar themes. The author successfully connected Taoism to dadaism along with other countercultures such as the popular movement in the late Sixties and the Transcendentalists of the mid 19th Century. Even though I've been inspired by his book, I will try to keep this blog focused on the two counter cultures, both of which have been reactions to great wars of their time.

Taoism pointed out the flaws of Confucian philosophy that brought on countless wars in Asia. Dadaism pointed out the flaws of modern European civiliazation that brought on the first World War. What are the flaws of today's society that brought on today's wars? There are many, but I believe the main ones to be global capitalism and fundamentalist monotheism.

God is money.

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