Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Today I took the Belief-o-Matic Test from Although the test isn't entirely scientific and I would like to have had more questions, it came fairly close to what I believe. I'd like to share my results with the you and for my future self.

#1 Unitarian Universalism - Anybody would get this as the #1 score because all answers are acceptable.

#2 Liberal Quakers - Yes, I'm very interested in coming to one of the Friend's Meetings.

#3 Mahayana Buddhism

#4 Theravada Buddhism - I'm surprised both #3 and #4 scored this high as I don't like hierarchy in religion.

#5 Neo-Pagan - Not too surprised here, although I don't like the self-righteousness many "neo-pagans" have.

#6 New Age - The only hippie in me.

#7 Taoism - I expected this to be #1, however I disagree with some tenets of Taoist religion as opposed to Taoist philosophy.

#8 Liberal Christian Protestantism - I was raised this way through puberty.

#9 Jainism - I don't know much about this religion.

#10 New Thought - same as above

#11 Hinduism - Although I'm fond of lists, the caste system and the hierarchy of gods annoys me. Besides that, many Hindu things interest me.

#12 Secular Humanism - I don't mind this title.

#13 Orthodox Quaker - How can I tell if a Meeting I attend is Liberal or Orthodox?

#14 Reform Judaism - I don't know much except that it is in vogue.

#15 Scientology - Oh God, please no!

#16 Christian Science - No matter how I hard I tried, I can only see this as religion an oxymoron.

#17 Baha'i - I wouldn't mind experiencing this religion. I like their temple in Skokie.

#18 Nontheist - Yes, I do believe that God is God and Organized Religion is Satan.

#19 Sikhism - Maybe.

#20 Seventh Day Adventist - I don't drink or smoke, but I can't give up meat.

#21 Orthodox Judaism - That would be strange.

#22 Islam - I'm surprised this scored so low. I'm very interested in Islamic philosophy and especially Sufism.

#23 Conservative Christianity - I was raised this way through childhood. I have had enough of that misery. I've died (from them) and gone to heaven already.

#24 Mormons - No vote for Romney from me. Sorry Mitt.

#25 Eastern Orthodox - I saw it in Russia and felt no compulsion to join.

#26 Roman Catholic - They eat their God! Like a doughnut, He is holy.

#27 Jehovah's Witness - Yes, they are a pesky bunch.

If you would like to take this same test, click here for a link.

Addendum: My wife just took the test and we scored the same for #1, #2, #26, and #27. Other close scores, Mahayana Buddhism scored #3 for me and #4 for her, New Age scored #6 for me and #7 for her. The order was roughly the same all the way through. In this sense, she is my soul mate.

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