- All these are examples of selfishness, an expression of individuality.
- These are examples of a world of individuals, all yang and no yin.
- These are done when one loses sight of unity
- Power and greed
Application: I see this expressed the most on television commercials, people showing off their status symbols and stocking up with "savings." I try my best not to get caught in this faux value. When it comes to possessions, I take the most pride in my music collection. I believe it does not disturb people's daily lives except when I listen to it loudly. I probably put the most value on the status of my career, and I can really feel the heat of the competition right now. I wish I could avoid competing with my peers for a better status of employment.
Thus the Sage rules by stilling minds and opening hearts, by filling bellies and strengthening bones. He shows people how to be simple and live without desires, to be content and not look for other ways. With people so pure, who could trick them? What clever ideas could lead them astray?
- The meditative state of "wu wei:" actionless action.
- This occurs when one perceives the unity instead of the individual.
- "Clever ideas" of the individual world cannot apply to the unified world
Application: This is very close to Buddhism with the belief that desire leads to suffering. At this point in my life, I am living simply with no home and no job but that creates a huge desire for those things. My mind will not be still nor my heart open if I desire them so much. I'm easily tricked and easily lead astray to whatever can get me a job. I've failed miserably here.
When action is pure and selfless everything settles into its own perfect place.
- Nature takes its course in human events.
- The individual serves unity, an expression of all.
- Why does this individuality come to us so naturally?
- We are meant to experience both without ignoring each of them.
Application: The only action I am involved in is job hunting. It is pure but not selfless. I have to perceive that the right job will come to me rather than the other way around. Once I have confidence in the way of things, then I can ease back and I will settle into my own perfect place. Worrying is pointless. I should just do what I have to do and do no more.